Date: Saturday 7th May 2016
Time: 7.15 p.m.
Venue: Avondale Heights Football Club Social Rooms
Canning Reserve, Avondale Heights
Entry: $30 (includes Trivia Show, Finger Food and Door Prizes
Drinks at Bar Prices
The Avondale Heights Football Club Trivia night and Major Auction night is the biggest social room event to be held at Canning Reserve and a major event for our football club. A full range of auction items are available from furniture, holidays, sports memorabilia, clothing, jewellery, kitchen appliances, paintings, home ware, etc. Trivia night will include games, karaoke, trivia, prizes and competitions. Read below for further details. If there is anyone wishing to donate items for the auction night, please contact Ray Micallef
Secure your place by putting your name on the table layout plan in the social rooms.